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Spiritual Courses
Residential, Workshops & Online


Spiritual Courses

The Southern Lights Centre offers various workshops, courses and webinars (with guest facilitators) along with our meditation retreats and mentoring and other serviecs.


Spiritual Realities

Spiritual Realities is an 8 month residential course, beginning in February each year, which aims to re-discover your inner Self in preparation for a life of service to humanity.


The course involves a shift from a material and virtual emphasis to a greater consideration of the needs of others.You will be assisted to clarify your life purpose and develop techniques to actualise your vision.


You can find out more information on our Spiritual Realities page

Alternatively, please download our Spiritual Realities course brochure (PDF 699KB)


In 2020 Southern Lights Centre hosted:

DEVA Workshop.jpg

If you thought the Deva kingdom was only about nature spirits and their angelic overseers, you’re in for some surprises. Join Findhorn Press author, Jacquelyn E. Lane for a workshop that goes way beyond faerie!

DEVA introduces a framework that helps us make better sense of our world, ourselves and our challenges and shows how understanding our involvement with the Deva kingdom points to a realisation of Pan Consciousness—how and why everything is interconnected. There will be true (faery) stories for light brain relief.

For the book, trailer and more go to:

DEVA was shortlisted for the 2019 Ashton Wylie unpublished manuscript award.

Consciousness in the After-life

A 1 day workshop focusing on a new understanding of death and the After-life based on the ageless wisdom teachings in the books by Alice A. Bailey and brings in Christian, Buddhist and Hindu concepts adapted for the western psyche.

"Cruising the Afterlife - more of the same but without a body" (PDF 213KB) - Article by Julia Tarnawsky


Dates: Please do contact the Centre to for further dates

Facilitator: Julia Tarnawsky

Where: Southern Lights Centre, Akaroa

You can find out more information including how to enrol by downloading our After-life Workshop brochure (PDF 268KB)

Applications are now closed


Ponder On This - with Guest Facilitator Jo Walz

An online webinar series for students and supporters of Christ College of Trans-Himalayan Wisdom and the Southern Lights Centre particularly those familiar with and interested in sustaining a connection to the teachings of The Tibetan Master as given to Alice Bailey:


A contemplative virtual space for consideration of the deeper meaning and ideas for further study of those topics outlined in the book

"Ponder On This"


Dates: ongoing 


You can find out more information by downloading the Ponder On This webinar series brochure (PDF 188KB)


If you have any questions, or would like more information, please contact the facilitator, Jo Walz

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